Tuesday, July 31, 2007

eternally pregnant...

That is how I feel. My official due date is actually August 12th....then the ultrasound said August 6th and the most recent ultrasound at 36 weeks said he was measuring at 38 weeks ( thanks to my babies and their LARGE "Charlie Brown" heads...) So technically, I am about 39 weeks today, and that would put this child at about 41 weeks!!! Seriously, can someone just shoot me and put me out of my misery!?!?! I am so tired and full of all kinds of aches and pains. Today we had a false labor episode, my midwife was on call so she just had me come in. I am apparently contracting every 2-3 minutes, so she said I wasn't crazy, I am also 3 cm dialated ( but I have been for about 2 weeks) she said my cervix is like "jello" so my labor is gonna go fast once I start to go.....so she scaped my membranes again....and sent me home to return as soon as I can feel my contractions more.....this sucks, I think I will be in labor for the next week or 2.
My next appointment is August 14th, the day after my family gets back on their plane to home!!! They will be here the 9th-13th...I warned them it was early, but they wanted to be here for Jakob's birthday too.....and hopefully the baby would be here already.

We can only dream can't we.....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The end is near....

The end of this pregnancy is almost here! It could be anyday now. I will do a little update....

I am 38 weeks-ish but This Baby has been cooked and ready to deliver for about 2 weeks now. We were given the green light at my last appoinment since my midwife is saying he is already closing in on 8 pounds ( I make big babies....) So we have just been trying to get him out...I take my dog on long walks around the l;ake, play soccer with the kids ( which is really sad to watch me try and play a sport...) we have been having prescribed sex...and nothing. Last night I thought maybe my water broke and was leaking, I figured if it was "time" it would wake me up and all that....NOPE nothing, probably just a leak ( I had it with Nathan....a fricken leak that closed back up!!) SO, Here I am. Spremely large and in charge, ready to pop...literally!! I have done well in the swelling dept, Just last night did my feet start to look like poofy chunks of lard!

I am ready to get this show on the road, we are aiming for this weekend. I have my checkup on Friday afternoon and they are stripping my membranes, so cross your fingers it works. Once my water breaks I usually only have about 4 hours till I deliver...judging on my past labor's.

I really need to have Riley out by next week, my family is coming to visit and then some friends are coming to visit right after, then the boys start school....so I really just don't have time for labor this month!!! I am laughing at myself and me trying to schedule my delivery....but I don't know what I would do if I didn't have it the way I wanted....like I said, wish me luck. I am pathetic!!