Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fun Weekend!!

Cheers to Father's Day!!!

Pics from our weekend!!!

Michael on the Waterslide The beds in their room at the Broadmoor
TV Armoire and desk, patio
Vanity and dresser, across was a huge closet
View from their room (Nate's School!!)
Nate on the waterslide!

Nate again...
Mike and Jake swimming

I had a blast this weekend with my Aunt & Uncle!! I really miss them alot. My Aunt & I did alot of catching up and bonding which was great!! I never get to have one on one time with her because usually my Mother is there, adding her 2 cents....so it was great to just lay out by the pool and chat for 2 days!! We drank PIna COladas ( Yes, mine was vigin) and decided thatthey weren't as good as the Bay Club...We like to test drinks at different places. She wants us to egt stationed in Hawaii and she said she would possibly get a rental there so she could visit alot!! We shall see, but in the mean time, I really enjoyed just having them around!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

What to do?

I think we are going to sell our house. It is getting to be more than we can afford. Our monthly payment is going up by about $200 (more than we can budget...) Right at the same time our child support will be kicking back in (another couple hundred...) So, We are fixing it up as best we can on a budget. We have actual things to fix before hand...like a new garbage disposal (it hasn't worked in about a year), make the patio nicer with a coat of paint and removing some of the hideous 1970's decor, and some MAJOR decluttering.
I am debating going with a reator TEAM or with my friend that was the one that got me into real estate school, I am rooting for her. She is always having open houses, our kids are friends, and she's a fellow military wife. I think she would do good. But then I got a flyer for this REMAX rel estate team, that just sold their second house in our neighborhood, while about 10 other houses are still sitting. I was thinking about them, since they have more people to delegate to and can get more accomplished.....I am gonna have to wait until Mike gets home to help decide, but I think selling it is best. I don't want to be house poor, I don't want to have to try and sell it when Mike gets orders somewhere and we are on a time schedule...I figure, we have made a decent profit, enjoyed the experience but need to keep our ducks in a row and stay ahead of the game for once before we get forclosed on (which would be the end of me since my parents co signed with us on the house!!)

Then the debate on where to live, back onto post or somewhere else.....I think back on post is our best bet since it is ideal location, I already have built in carpools for the boys school, I know what neighborhoods I want to live in.
Mike still likes the idea of being off post, but doesn't want a commute, so since he will be leaving for Iraq, he said I can pick wherever since I will have to live there alone....

OK, Sorry for the rambling. I think blogging helps me focus on my dilemmas. But That is just a little update.

Blog Tag.

Krissi Blog Tagged me!

One Word Answers:
Yourself: round
Your Partner: rock
Your Hair: long
Your Mother: obsessive
Your Father: golfer
Your Favorite Item: projects
Your Dream Last Night: nice
Your Favorite Drink: Pop (for Tracie)
Your Dream Car: convertible
Your Dream Home: farm
The Room You Are In: basement
Your Fear: earthquakes
You Want To Be In 10 Years: nurse
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: spawn
Your Not: skinny
One Of Your Wishlist Items: money
The Last Thing You Did: discipline
You Are Wearing: jeans
Your Favorite Weather: autumn
Your Favorite Book: whatever
Last Thing You Ate: sandwich
Your life: dream
Your Mood: anxious
Your Best Friend: Mike
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: sleep
Your Car: charcoal
What Are You Doing At The Moment: typing
Relationship Status: Married
What Is On Your TV: nothing
What Is The Weather Like: cloudy
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: minutes
Okay Now I get to Tag 3 people :P
Tracie, Kim, Georgia

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

keeping busy...

I am trying to keep busy these days. I am so excited about the baby, I can't sit still!! Last night I painted the nursery, tonight I will hang the blinds and cutains and tomorrow I can hang all the wall decor and stuff...I am always waaay too prepared when it comes to having the baby, I have had the crib set up since I was about 20 weeks...
Mike has been gone to NTC, leaving me with the herd we call our children. I forced them to sign up for summer reading program's to help keep them occupied, but they still make me nuts!! They helped me paint last night, but I can' only do so much...my energy level is nill after I have a day of housework and painting!
So Mike should be home next week sometime. My Aunt Jeannie & Uncle Bobn are comeing to visit on Friday thru Tuesday, I think. They are going to go to Aspen for a few days, They are the ones that sent us to Aspen right before Mike deployed, I had taken alot of pics, and they wanted to try the St Regis too!! So they will get to enjoy it in the summer, then they come down here for 4 days at the Broadmoor!! I love it, I can see what a room there looks like, we will get to enjoy a day at the pool too (per Nates request)!! It will be like a mini vacation here at home!! I have no clue what to do with them other than that. I am treating them to the Flying W Ranch dinner, and maybe a day at the zoo....but I don't know what else they may want to do!?!??!
After they leave, I am supposed to be having a Pampered Chef party, but I think I may postpone it until after the baby. I know someone that just had one, and don't really know who I would invite anyways. We will see....
Anyways, I have a busy couple of weeks coming up here. So if I don't keep up enough on my blog, shoot me an email or call me!!
We will be busy fixing up our house. We are probably going to be putting it on the market sooner than later, so we have to get cracken on making it nice and not ghetto!!

Wish us Luck!!